Buratovich, Michael. “Dawkin’s God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life.” Christian Scholar’s Review 35, no. 2 (Winter, 2006): 280-283.
Abstract: With respect to Dawkins’ refutation of William’Paley’s “God as the Divine Watchmaker” hypothesis, McGrath points out that Paley’s Natural Theology “represents the late and final flowering of a movement that came into being in the aftermath of the great Newtonian revolution of the late seventeenth century, and which had completely lost its way by the middle of the eighteenth century” (69). Finally, the quote from River out of Eden that speaks of DNA as digital information and creatures as survival machines that act as mere vessels to carry this information can hardly mean that Dawkins wishes to reduce all social behavior to kin selection, since he said as much about human behavior in The Selfish Gene.