Tag Archives | 2013

Kathleen Wilcox

Wilcox, Kathleen A., Elizabeth Murakami-Ramalho, and Angela Urick. “Just-in-time Pedagogy: Teachers’ Perspectives on the Response to Intervention Framework.Journal of Research in Reading 36, no. 1 (February 2013): 75–95. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9817.2011.01494.x.

Abstract: The purpose of this mixed methods research is to examine teachers’ perspectives on the response to intervention (RTI) framework and its implementation in Michigan and Texas schools. Both states have been leaders in literacy, increasing preservice and in-service teacher certification standards and developing similar batteries for assessing literacy skills. Using the International Reading Association’s RTI principles, the following question directed this inquiry: what are the perspectives of teachers in various educational, geographic, economic and cultural settings of the RTI? The research was developed through questionnaires, focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed that teacher professional development, assessments and collaboration for instruction were highly integrated themes when developing RTI strategies as reforming practice and increasing student literacy. Michigan and Texas teachers were more confident and comfortable in measuring and identifying students with reading difficulties over their ability to prevent learning disabilities through their instruction.

Robert Woods

Woods, Robert H. ed. Evangelical Christians and Popular Culture: Pop Goes the Gospel. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2013.

Shepherds of the EmpireEvangelical Christians and Popular Culture: Pop Goes the Gospel addresses the full spectrum of evangelical media and popular culture offerings, even delving into lesser-known forms of evangelical popular culture such as comic books, video games, and theme parks. The chapters in this 3-volume work are written by over 50 authors who specialize in fields as diverse as history, theology, music, psychology, journalism, film and television studies, advertising, and public relations. Volume 1 examines film, radio and television, and the Internet; Volume 2 covers literature, music, popular art, and merchandise; and Volume 3 discusses public figures, popular press, places, and events. The work is intended for a scholarly audience but presents material in a student-friendly, accessible manner. Evangelical insiders will receive a fresh look at the wide variety of evangelical popular culture offerings, many of which will be unknown, while non-evangelical readers will benefit from a comprehensive introduction to the subject matter.