Woods, Robert H., Kelly Skarritt-Williams, Caleb Chan, Ken Waters, and Divine Agodzo. “Motivations for Reading the Left Behind Book Series: A Uses and Gratifications Analysis.” Journal Of Media & Religion 15, no. 2 (April 2016): 63-77.
Abstract: This uses and gratifications study investigates motivations for reading theLeft Behindbook series and their correlation to media use patterns; religious commitments; and the Conservative Protestant, Mainline, or Catholic Christian background of readers. The survey of 1,188 readers found that sanctified entertainment and “end times” teaching were the top reasons for reading the series. There was a significant positive relationship between religious media use and spiritual growth/development, content reaction, and accuracy. A significant positive relationship was found between religious commitment and content reaction, and religious commitment and biblical accuracy reading motivations. The study revealed different reading motivations among the various denominations, especially Catholics.