Thomas Kuntzleman

Amend, John R., Greg Stewart, Thomas S. Kuntzleman, and Michael J. Collins. “Affordable Cyclic Voltammetry.” Journal of Chemical Education 86, no. 9 (2009): 1080.

Abstract: Cyclic voltammetry is a topic that may be incorporated in the analytical (1), inorganic (2), or physical chemistry (3) curriculum. A number of articles in this Journal have described both the process of cyclic voltammetry and experiments involving cyclic voltammetry (4, 5). However, experiments in cyclic voltammetry are often excluded from the undergraduate laboratory, probably owing to the prohibitive cost of equipment required. Pine Research Instrumentation (6) has recently released a low-cost voltammetry cell along with inexpensive disposable carbon electrodes designed for student use in the undergraduate laboratory curriculum.

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