Ruthenium is often used to make fountain pen tips. next element previous element
Ruthenium is often used to make fountain pen tips. next element previous element
Metastable technetium-99 is a radioactive element that emits gamma radiation: 99Tcm –> 99Tc + γ The fictitious comic book character, Bruce Banner, becomes the Incredible Hulk when angry. In the story, Bruce Banner was irradiated with gamma rays, which caused him to become the Hulk. next element […]
Alloys of chromium and molybdenum (chromoly alloys) are often used in high-end bicycle frames. next element previous element
An alloy of 89% niobium, 10% hafnium and 1% titanium was used for the rocket thruster nozzles in the Apollo lunar modules. next element previous element
Zirconium is the main element in cubic zirconia, which has the formula ZrO2. Also, zirconium carbonate (ZrOCO3) binds to urushiol, the active ingredient in poison ivy oil. As a result, zirconium carbonate is often added to poison ivy lotions. next element […]
Yttrium is used as the electrode in high-end spark plugs. next element previous element
Strontium is in the same chemical family as calcium and therefore it acts chemically similar to calcium. When strontium is ingested, it replaces calcium in bone. Strontium appears to impart more strength to bone than calcium, and intake of small amounts of strontium shows no known adverse health effects. Therefore, some folks take […]
Rubidium happens to have the same initials as the most famous movie boxer ever. Yo, Adrian! next element previous element
Kryptonite is the fictitious compound that takes away Superman’s strength. Does this fictitious element contain the element Krypton? In any event, Krypton is a monoatomic gas used in flashlights. next element previous element
Bromine, in the form of HOBr, is sometimes added to pools in place of chlorine (in the form of HOCl). HOCl and HOBr are effective antiobacterial agents. At high temperatures, HOBr and HOCl can be removed from pool water due to the following reactions: HOCl (aq) + HCl (aq) –> H2O (g) + Cl2 […]